Jason Klamm Campaign Blog #37 – Forgive, Forget, and Vote

While I have nothing to forgive at the moment, it feels good to do it, so I will. I like to clear the palate before the real meal – voting.

Jason Klamm Campaign Blog #36 – Family Reunion

I get together with my long-lost brother and intern hopeful, Garrick Klamm.

Jason Klamm Campaign Blog #12 – Paperwork Isn’t Everything

Yes, some missteps happened with our official campaign paperwork, but I can reassure you I’m no less a candidate. Also, if you’d like to be an additional intern, please e-mail intern@jk2016.com.

Jason Klamm Campaign Blog #10 – Vote When It Counts

Jason Klamm, here again to tell you about how to get your “I Will Have Voted” stickers.